Try this next time you’re feeling stressed

Learning how to self regulate will save you a lifetime of missed opportunities...

There’s a reason why high performing athletes...


And special ops personnel...

All invest time into mastering this skill

It’s because self regulation is like a 🔑 which ‘turns on’ a greater capacity to deal with high pressure situations

They actually unlock the ability to thrive in high pressure situations and see things they wouldn’t otherwise see

Without it they couldn’t show up ‘on point’ to get the job done...

And for some, it could literally be the difference between life and death.

Just imagine a sniper who suddenly gets ambushed by the enemy...

If the fear caused the sniper to freeze... he’d be dead.

Most people aren’t ambushed by a troop of military personnel but they are ambushed by an archive of socially conditioned beliefs and memories which cause repeating cycles of fear, procrastination and overwhelm to limit the way they show up in life.

When you learn how to self regulate, you learn how to navigate the uncharted terrain of your psychology and reach the oasis...

Just take a second to imagine how your life will be different once you learn how to take the weight of the world off your shoulders...

I describe it as liberating and blissful

Stress isn’t your natural state, it’s a survival response

Being in flow is your natural state and self regulation is the 🔑 that opens the door

When you self regulate you shorten the time between challenge and growth...

Stress and adaptation...

Setting goals and their achievement...

One of the first places to start with self regulation is shifting your pattern of breathing

Next time you feel overwhelmed or anxious, breath deep into your belly for 4 secs and out slowly for 4 seconds

Daniel Garbett

Coach, Mentor & Founder of The Thrive Academy

With over 14 years experience in personal and professional coaching, Daniel has helped thousands of people internationally remove the mental and emotional roadblocks that can get in the way of experiencing peak performance, meaningful relationships and well-being.

Consistency over time always wins


What if Successing Could become your norm…?