Consistency over time always wins

Consistency wins time after time...

As a society we’ve been conditioned to focus on the big wins and over night results...

The next thing that will solve all our problems...

TV shows like:

“Who Wants To Be A Millionaire”

“The Biggest Loser”

As well as being engrossed in people’s lives on social media today...

Have made people become hyper focused on the end result without building the foundations to support the result

If the result isn’t achieved or sustained, people become disheartened or feel like a failure and over time take less and less action towards their ideal life.

Beliefs start forming along the lines of:

“This is just the way it is”

“Nothing good ever happens to me”

“I always have bad luck”

Your experience of life then becomes a self fulfilling prophecy of your belief systems...

So remember that your life is a result of the choices you make

And small consistent efforts over time beat in-action every time...

It’s simple math!

So rather than ‘Settling’ it’s time to adopt a life of ‘Successing’

Commit to at least a 1% change everyday and at the end of the year you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve!

Daniel Garbett

Coach, Mentor & Founder of The Thrive Academy

With over 14 years experience in personal and professional coaching, Daniel has helped thousands of people internationally remove the mental and emotional roadblocks that can get in the way of experiencing peak performance, meaningful relationships and well-being.

Be The Warrior!


Try this next time you’re feeling stressed