Wisdom Of The Ancients

“The Ancients Always Said, The Heart Is The Seat Of Wisdom”

Click Here To Watch Part 1 Of The Interview Now

In part 2 Kerrie shares about the current cycles we are in astrologically and the impacts they are having...

And upcoming cycles and changes that will occur over the next 12 months....

Being aware of upcoming key dates and cycles from an astrological perspective is critical to plan effectively and to know what to look out for in the future...

Access the FULL member only episode of this interview and many more resources on The Thrive Academy

Daniel Garbett

Coach, Mentor & Founder of The Thrive Academy

With over 14 years experience in personal and professional coaching, Daniel has helped thousands of people internationally remove the mental and emotional roadblocks that can get in the way of experiencing peak performance, meaningful relationships and well-being.


Optimising Hormonal Drive


An Astrological Awakening