Breaking The Mold: A Journey to Self-Actualisation

In our modern world, the echoes of ancient tribal dynamics still reverberate, shaping the way we navigate our lives and interact with one another.

From childhood, we are conditioned to seek validation and direction from external sources, relying on those around us to define our own place in the world.

Take a second to imagine a boy who does not know his place in the tribe, he’ll turn to others for validation or direction as to where he sits in the social hierarchy...

A child in a tribe gains their 'place' firstly from the ‘place’ of their parents. If they are recognised as high status people in the tribe, the child will be recognised by their peers in the same way... at first.

If the leaders of a tribe had a son... he too would be recognised as a leader by the tribe. He is not much different physiologically than the rest of the children, however it's the power that other people in the tribe give him, based on their preconceived perception of him which makes him different.

It gives him a sense of importance, a sense of recognition and in turn, builds his confidence.

It's the confidence and leadership qualities that he adopts that allow him to rise further in the eyes of the tribe.

This is how the ‘alpha’ is born...

As he develops further, it's his 'alpha' psychology drives his 'alpha' physiology

And the behaviours created out of that psychology allow him to lead his people.

But what happens if you are not born as the child of a leader?

What happens if your parents weren't high on the social hierarchy in the tribe?

Then would you be seen as a 'less powerful' and 'less important' member of the tribe?

You would be spoken to differently...

You would be treated differently...

You would receive attention...

And you would grow into a shadow of the person that you could be as a result

Not by your conscious choice but of the power of the environment around you and how it influenced your self image and identity!

Those early experiences in life can make you to believe you are less than you are and if you listen to them, you will never feel the fulfilment or satisfaction of becoming the best version of yourself...

Fast forward to life today - are we really living any different?

What happens when the lineage of leadership isn't bestowed upon us?

In such cases, society's subtle cues begin to erode our sense of self-worth, convincing us that we are inherently less valuable or powerful.

We're spoken to differently, treated differently, and eventually, we internalise these messages, seeing ourselves through society's distorted lens.

As a result, we become shadows of our true potential, constrained by the limitations imposed upon us by external expectations.

Consider our educational systems, where success is often measured by one's ability to conform and regurgitate information rather than fostering creativity and critical thinking…

We're taught to fear failure and to avoid taking risks, for fear of ridicule or rejection by our peers…

And in doing so, we stunt our innate capacity for growth and self-discovery, resigning ourselves to a life of mediocrity and unfulfilled potential.

Yet, within this societal conditioning, there lies a glimmer of hope – the realisation that we are not bound by the expectations of others, nor are we defined by our circumstances.

P.D. Ouspensky's words serve as a powerful reminder that we possess the agency to chart our own course, to break free from the shackles of societal norms and expectations:

P.D Ouspensky  - the author of The Psychology Of Man's Possible Evolution wrote:

“Man as we know him is not a completed being, that nature (social conditioning) develops him only up to a certain point and then leaves him to either...

Develop further, by his own efforts and devices...

Live and die, such as he was born...

Or degenerate and lose capacity for development..."

He also noted that ‘certain conditions were necessary’ to access a fuller expression of a man's potential.

One of those conditions is the ‘awareness’ that the status quo is no longer an acceptable way to live…

Another is defining own value and worth...

You must realise that your value and worth are not defined by other people and instead something that you define yourself.

But this journey towards self-actualisation requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to challenge the status quo.

It starts with recognising your inherent value and worth, independent of external validation or approval.

It's about embracing your unique gifts and talents, and cultivating a deep sense of self-belief and confidence.

And I get it, it's not uncommon to find yourself at a crossroads, grappling with questions that seem to have no easy answers.

In moments of introspection and self-reflection, it’s easy to find yourself questioning the choices you've made so far – in your careers, your relationships, and your personal development.

This period of soul-searching can be both illuminating and unsettling, because often you need to confront the realities of your life and the path you've chosen.

Yet, it is often in these moments of uncertainty that you can discover a deeper longing for meaning and fulfilment, which can prompt you to seek out new avenues for growth and self-discovery.

For many, this period can come after the pursuit of success in the professional world. Just like myself, climbing your version of the ‘corporate ladder’ may have once seemed like the key to happiness and fulfilment, but upon reaching the top, you find themselves feeling unfulfilled and disconnected.

You come to realise that the view from the top is not as satisfying as you’d hoped, and that the trappings of success are no substitute for a sense of purpose, meaning and harmony in your life.

This realisation can be both liberating and daunting, as you grapple with the prospect of forging a new path that aligns with your passions and values.

Many people find themselves caught in a tug-of-war between who they think they should be and who they truly are.

The pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations can be overwhelming…

Leading to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt and in the face of these internal and external pressures, you can struggle to embrace your true potential, fearing the judgment or rejection from those around you.

The journey to self-discovery is not always easy, and it often requires you to confront your deepest darkest fears and insecurities.

It requires you to step outside of your comfort zones and embrace the unknown, trusting that the path you’re on will ultimately lead you to where you’re meant to be.

It requires us to let go of the need for external validation and approval, and to trust in our own intuition and inner wisdom.

You’ll encounter obstacles and setbacks that test your mental fortitude and challenge your beliefs…

Yet, it is through these trials and tribulations that you discover your strength and resilience.

And in the end, you’ll emerge as the architect of your own destiny, empowered to create a life that’s rich in meaning, purpose, and fulfilment.

If you made it this far and you feel like you’re stuck and unclear on how to move forward with your life, you’ve really only got two choices…

One… keep doing what you’ve been doing and suffer from age related shrinkage…

Or two… Reclaim your power, unleash your potential, and move towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

The choice is yours.

Schedule a consultation now and take the first step towards transformation.

Daniel Garbett

Coach, Mentor & Founder of The Thrive Academy

With over 14 years experience in personal and professional coaching, Daniel has helped thousands of people internationally remove the mental and emotional roadblocks that can get in the way of experiencing peak performance, meaningful relationships and well-being.

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