Daniel Garbett

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What if Successing Could become your norm…?

Well first of all it can...

Let me tell you a story about my ride this morning.

After this amazing sunrise meditation I began riding back along a main road and I pasted a lady in a van driving around the corner while brushing her teeth 😳

You’re probably reading this and thinking...

“Dan what’s the big deal about that”

I can almost bet my life on it that you’ve had moments in you’re life where you’ve driven to work but on that trip your mind was a million miles away deep in thought 💭

And you arrive to work and think “huh... I can’t even remember the trip here”

So how did you arrive to work while consciously you were thinking about (insert dream)?

You see your body has its own intelligence, it stores memory and can complete automatic actions without the need of conscious thought 🤯

This is called your subconscious mind and it is responsible for many functions within the mind and body and one of them being HABITual behaviour...

Imagine for a moment when you were younger and you first learnt to brush your teeth, at first it may have required a lot of focus, a lot of determination and probably a lot of guidance from your parents 😂 (I’m sure you parents reading this can connect)

But over time you learnt how to brush your teeth so well that you no longer had to think about brushing your teeth anymore and you just did it... it became automatic.

That’s what’s called autonomy

When you repeat an action over and over, you strengthen the neural pathway in your brain and it becomes an automatic behaviour

And so The lady I saw this morning was a perfect example of this

And hints to the 🔑 to successing...

Imagine if you could make successing an automatic behaviour

Imagine if you could model the success behaviour of those who are already living the life you want...

Is it possible?


You’re already doing it unconsciously at some level - and so this is a sign to consciously create change