Daniel Garbett

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Universal Breathing - finding Stillness

Universal breathing, also known as triangular breathing or belly breathing, is a simple and effective technique that promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and deep connection with the breath.

This technique involves dividing the breath into three distinct phases: inhaling deeply into the lower belly for the count of 3 seconds exhaling gently for the count of 6 seconds and completing the breath with a gentle 6 second pause before starting the next cycle.

The exhale and pause are twice as long as the inhale to help activate more of a parasympathetic response in the body. 

Key Steps:

  1. Find a Comfortable Position: Begin by finding a comfortable seated position or lying down. Relax your body and allow your spine to be straight, promoting optimal breath flow.

  2. Deep Belly Breath: Start by inhaling slowly and deeply through your nose for the count of 2 seconds, allowing the breath to travel all the way down into your lower belly. Feel your belly expand outward as you fill it with air, like inflating a balloon.

  3. Expand the Ribcage: After completing the belly breath, continue to inhale for 1 second and feel the ribcage expand outwardly as you draw the breath further up into your midsection.

  4. Gentle Exhale: Exhale slowly and evenly through your nose for the count of 6 seconds, releasing the breath in a controlled manner. Focus on gently contracting the belly, allowing it to naturally deflate as you release the air.

  5. Gentle Pause: Once you have completed the exhale, gently pause for the count of 6 seconds, holding the breath out in a comfortable manner. Allow yourself to experience the stillness and the emptiness of the breath within your body.

  6. Repeat the Sequence: Repeat this cycle of deep belly breath, expanding the ribcage, gentle exhale, and gentle pause for several rounds, allowing yourself to fully embrace the rhythmic flow of your breath.

Benefits of Universal Breathing:

  1. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Universal breathing activates the body's relaxation response, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. It promotes a sense of calm and tranquility by slowing down the breath and activating the parasympathetic nervous system.

  2. Increased Mind-Body Connection: By bringing attention to the different areas of the breath, Universal breathing cultivates a deeper mind-body connection by bringing your awareness to diaphramatic breathing. This heightened awareness fosters a sense of presence and enhances the overall sensory experience.

  3. Improved Breath Control and Lung Capacity: Regular practice of Universal breathing can enhance breath control and increase lung capacity. It encourages a more efficient and balanced use of the respiratory system, supporting overall respiratory health.

  4. Grounding and Centering: Universal breathing allows for a grounded and centered experience, helping to anchor the mind and body in the present moment. It can be particularly useful during moments of overwhelm, when seeking inner stability or before bed.

  5. Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: As with any breathing practice, your ability to access it is with you everywhere right beneath your nose. Universal breathing can be practiced discreetly and is accessible in various situations. Whether you are at home, work, or in a public space, you can utilize this technique to quickly find a sense of calm and relaxation.

Discover How Breathing Can Transform Your Life

Your breath is more than just an automatic bodily function—it is a gateway to your inner wisdom and wellbeing.

Lowered Blood Pressure and Heart Rate: Controlled breathing can lead to reduced blood pressure and heart rate, promoting cardiovascular health.

  • Reduced Levels of Stress Hormones: Breathwork can help lower the levels of stress hormones in the blood, leading to a greater sense of calmness.

  • Improved Immune System Functioning: Regular breathwork practice can strengthen the immune system, helping the body be more resilient.

  • Enhanced Emotional Control: Breathwork enables better emotional regulation, helping individuals manage anxiety and other emotional challenges.

  • Improved Cognitive Function: By changing brain function, breathwork can enhance cognitive abilities, such as focus and mental clarity.

As a professional breathwork practitioner, I've witnessed the profound positive impact it can have not only in my own life but for countless others as well. From managing stress and anxiety to achieving emotional regulation, healing past trauma and enhancing cognitive function, breathwork offers a holistic approach to personal growth and transformation.

Join Me for a Personalised Breathwork Experience:

Imagine a one-on-one session where we delve deep into your unique breathing patterns and explore challenges that you feel are in your life...

Together, we'll explore tailored breathwork techniques designed to unlock your inner potential, overcome past trauma and liberate energy physically, mentally and emotionally. These sessions are your opportunity to experience the profound impact of intentional breathing in a guided and supportive 1:1 environment - CLICK HERE

Explore More Opportunities with Our Breathwork Events and Workshops:

Looking for a broader breathwork experience? Discover our range of in-person and online events and workshops. Whether you're curious to learn the basics, eager to dive deeper, or simply want to connect with like-minded individuals on a breathwork journey, we have an option for you. - CLICK HERE

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Discover the Gateway to Emotional Resilience, Mental Clarity, and Self-Discovery through Breathwork.

Take the first step and experience the profound impact of breathwork today!