Daniel Garbett

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Finding Your True North

Life’s Purpose, Core Values & Intuition.

What is the purpose of life?

A question most people have thought about at great lengths at some point of their lives when their sense of life fulfillment is absent…

Some people find it in faith and religion, others in the social connections they share with others, for some it is the exploration of the world, while others seek to reach the pinnacle within their sport or career.

And maybe there could be something even further beyond those things which people seek even more…?

And what I’ve come to realise it there is…

And I will share that with you in a moment but first I’d like to lay the foundation of my journey of discovery.

If I was to reflect on my life, there was stages where I ‘felt’ like I had absolute clarity with what I wanted to ‘do’ in life, such as if you met me as a child I would have told you “When I grow up I want to be an accountant” because that’s what my parents said would be a great profession.

But that changed when I reached high school and realised how many people (mainly girls) loved that I played guitar so if you met me then I would have told you “When I leave school I want to be a musician”…

That then changed again when I was in highschool and began Scuba Diving. I fell in ‘love’ with the ocean and was inspired by my instructors stories of exploring the world as a Dive Instructor. And my purpose then became travelling the world teaching scuba diving.

And since then it has progressed further, which I will get to in a moment.

However, first I want to talk to you about the first three.

When I was a child, my idea of becoming an accountant was really a reflection of my parents desire of me having a well paying job…

When I was at highschool and wanted to be a musician, that was a reflection of my love of attention I was receiving off the opposite sex…

However with both of these moments in life, my desire to take action towards a given profession was really to fulfil a deeper desire to gain the acceptance and approval of someone other than myself!

When I fell in love with Scuba Diving and the idea of exploring & traveling the world, something in me changed. I became aware of a ‘feeling’ in my ‘heart’ that was stronger than any other force that was imposing itself on ‘what I should be doing with my life’.

And this is when I began to realise that there was something that is more important to listen to than the words of another… And that is the feelings in my heart.

And so I embarked on a solo quest to explore and travel the world while Scuba Diving. I bought a one way ticket to Central America with a rough plan of backpacking Guatemala for 4 months while I studied spanish before making my way through Belize and ending up in the Caribbean Island of Utila, Honduras.

My first introduction to Central America was arriving at the international airport in Guatemala City at midnight, not knowing a word of Spanish and meeting a driver outside who I’d organised to take me to a homestay family in the Spanish Colonial town of Antigua about 2 hours away!

2am that morning I arrive at my homestay house and met Alejandro, who thankfully could speak some English and took me to my room.

Over the following month, I found my way around Antigua, began holding fluid conversations in Spanish and immersing myself in the culture.

By speaking with the old men sitting in the central park, forming friendships with the locals and meeting other travellers on my way I began piecing together the next stages of my quest…

Why am I sharing this?

It’s because through this exploration, I discovered parts of myself that I previously didn’t know existed which helped me calibrate my internal compass even further

Being present at a native shaman ceremony, I felt the ‘presence’ of a greater power beyond myself…

Being welcomed and provided for by families who in my old view of the world ‘had nothing’, showed me that material wealth doesn’t necessarily mean wealthy if there is no generosity or love in your heart…

Being led by curiosity and intrigue allowed me to realise that listening to my internal compass brought me more growth and fulfilment than blindly following the roadmap that society entrains from such an early age.

This discovery continued even further when I made it to the dive resort in Utila, Honduras called Underwater Vision Utila 4 months later…

I arrived at Underwater Vision (UWV) with the plan to dive and have fun on the Caribbean Island for 3 weeks before looking for work. Which I did, and had a great time!

Long story short, 3 weeks of diving turned into volunteering a month of my services to the resort in the hopes of landing an instructor role at UWV to then becoming a head instructor at the resort, facilitating large groups of student divers and quickly being recognised globally by PADI, earning multiple instructor awards.

How did this all happen?

By growing an even stronger relationship to my internal compass and listening to the messages and feedback it was giving me about the actions I was taking in life…

And so life was great…
I was living my dream…
I felt like I had ‘cracked the code’ to feeling truly fulfilled in life…

But one day, when I was sitting back reflecting upon the life I created and realising that the fundamental shift that occurred within me which helped me create this life was a change in my thinking and belief about what’s possible in life.

I learnt how to remove the mental and emotional roadblocks that can get in the way of a person creating the life that they want!

In that moment, something shifted in me. The life I created instantly felt like it no longer fulfilled me like it once did and instead felt my heart gravitate towards helping people create the same changes in their own lives.

Which is what’s inspired the creation of Your True North and The Thrive Academy

Fast forward to today, I’ve invested over 14 years into the personal and professional coaching industry, working with thousands of people internationally remove the roadblocks and helped them craft a truly meaningful life.

What i’ve realised in life is that throughout life, your circumstances change and with it, you’re also faced with new environments, new challenges and new choices…

And what helps you navigate through the new terrain is the connection you have with your internal compass which points you to Your True North.

Through curiosity lead actions you can become clearer about what life purpose means to you and how to experience it.

Because the compass that may have led your parents or friends to success and fulfillment isn’t calibrated the same as yours…

You have your own set of values…

You have your own set of desires…

And you have your own set of mental strategies that make you… YOU

When you’re being led by Your True North, you’re creating a life that satisfies and fulfils your core values and you’re completely aware of the pathway towards growth and potential in your life.

Everyone in the world is unique!

Unique in the way they perceive the world…

Unique in the way they make decisions…

Unique in the way they respond to lifestyle stress…

And problems soon arise when you’re trying to follow another person’s compass rather than your own!

Clarity can be easily lost and the fog of confusion can quickly take over and over time you can lose our sense of purpose, get bogged down in the everyday, and forget how wonderful and joyful your lives could be.          

Living this way can manifest itself both physically and mentally in the form of chronic illness, financial problems and unhealthy relationships.

How do I know?

Because I’ve experienced them all and I know that when you Find Your True North, all of those problems go away!

Life is progressive discovery and manifestation of your life’s purpose.

And so here are 8 tips and strategies to find your True North:

  1. Reflect on your past experiences:
    Take some time to reflect on your past experiences and think about the moments when you felt truly fulfilled and happy. What were you doing? Who were you with? What were you feeling? These reflections can give you an insight into your passions and interests.

  2. Listen to your intuition:
    Your intuition is your inner voice that guides you towards your true passions and interests. Listen to it and pay attention to the feelings and thoughts that arise within you.

  3. Experiment:

    Try out different activities and hobbies that you are curious about. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and explore new things.

  4. Seek the advice of others:
    Speak with people who have found their true north and ask them for advice. Listen to their stories and learn from their experiences.

  5. Keep a journal:
    Write down your thoughts and feelings as you explore different activities and hobbies. This will give you a better understanding of yourself and your passions.

  6. Take a break:
    Sometimes, it can be hard to see the bigger picture when you’re in the midst of everyday life. Take a break, go on a trip, or take a vacation to clear your mind and gain a fresh perspective.

  7. Seek professional help:
    Sometimes, it can be hard to find your true north on your own. Consider seeking the help of a professional coach who can guide you in your journey of self-discovery.

  8. Trust the process:
    Finding your true north is a journey, not a destination. Trust the process and be patient with yourself as you explore different paths and experiences. Remember, it's not about reaching the destination but the journey of self-discovery that brings true fulfillment.