Daniel Garbett

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Embracing All Parts Of Yourself…

For me it’s the dad...

The lover...

The business owner...

The mentor...

And sometimes I even wear the Frustrated...

The doubtful...

The critic...

The truth is that life requires different parts of us in different circumstances.

I’m sure you’ve experienced that before right?

It is art to realise which part of you is showing up at any given point...

And even more of an art to realise if that part is showing up to keep you safe... (survival based)

Or showing up to help you achieve something more... (thrival based)

Whatever persona that comes out in each circumstance is really just a mental strategy that you’ve learnt at some point to help you handle a situation

For instance... have you ever met a person with a nervous laugh?

They’re not laughing because something’s funny...

They’re laughing to deflect the tension or uncomfortable feelings they’re feeling in that situation...

It’s a strategy they learnt

But is it the most effective?

Every part within you has a strength and a weakness and so the art is knowing what the most effective part is in relation to a goal and how to use it.