Daniel Garbett

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Defining Your Success Metrics…

Defining Your Success Metrics...

Hello and welcome to the Inspired Thrive blog and podcast!

Today's episode is all about defining your success metrics and how to measure your goals without letting numbers define your worth.

In this episode, I'll be drawing from my own experience through my personal journey as well as the work I have done with countless Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and CEOs.

Numbers are a great way to measure success, but should not define who we are as people.

In my previous career as a personal trainer, I saw how physical health can have a profound effect on mental and emotional health.

If we are physically out of shape, we will be limited and fearful, and won't be able to reach our best mental and emotional state.

Therefore, we cannot be our best mentally, emotionally or spiritually if we are not our best physically.

The last 2 years, I’ve grown quite a lot in my knowledge and emotional intelligence however I realise that in order to take it all further I had to optimise the physical health of my body…

So to kick off 2023, I designed myself a program to optimise all areas of my health and incorporates key measurements that allow me to not only track my overall body composition but the overall health of my body and nervous system.

I use this program to track my progress and ensure I am on the right path towards my goal.

One metric that I want to focus on today is heart rate variability, which is a metric used to measure the body’s response to stress.

It can measure the physical stress from exercise, chemical stress from toxins, environmental stress from EMFs and mental/emotional stress.

It is important to understand that too much activity can lead to burnout and low heart rate variability, as well as other stressors that may be affecting the nervous system.

It is important to understand that healthy lifestyle behaviors such as good quality sleep, quality conversations, natural sunlight, fresh air, and getting out in nature are key to having a high heart rate variability.

Just as importantly, checking in with yourself daily and expressing any feelings, as this can help to regulate the nervous system and improve heart rate variability.

At the crux of it, being aware of the way that you're measuring your success is key.

It's important to not get caught up with the numbers emotionally and instead, be conscious and aware of the actions and behaviors and the things that you are doing in your life.

When you acknowledge and appreciate the changes you’re making, you actually change the neural circuitry in your brain and rewire the automatic actions and behaviors that move you towards your goal.

Ultimately, taking action in alignment with your goal and being in integrity with yourself is fundamental to creating change in your life.

Validate that behavior in whatever way you can, and be aware and put your attention on the fact that you are creating the changes in your life because by doing so, you'll be able to measure your success in a way that is authentic and aligned with your values.

Thanks for tuning in to the Inspired Thrive podcast. I hope this episode has inspired you to define your success metrics in a way that empowers you to live your best life.

To find out more about me, the resources available to you as well as the programs and services available to you, be sure to thoroughly explore the website.

Connect with me on social media: https://www.instagram.com/daniel_garbett

For all inquiries, please email here

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